(to the tune of "Hey, Big Spender")
Lyrics (c)2001,2005 Emi M Briet

The minute you stepped on the stage
I could tell you were a DDR Freak, a real cool dancer!
On 4th Mix, you're divine
Would you like to mingle up your quarters with mine?
Now let me get right to the point
I don't just matrix-walk with anyone I seeee
Hey, cool dancer!
Plaaaaay....some DDR with me

Should I put on Ba Kkwo....or....Wa?
Or some Paranoia Max, Max
I could show you some... good steps
Let me show you some... good steps

The minute you stepped on the stage
I could tell you were a cata clearer, a real cool dancer!
On Drop Out, you're divine
Would you like to mingle up your quarters with mine?
Now let me get right to the point
I don't just Butterfly with anyone I seeee
Hey, cool dancer!
Hey, cool dancer!
Hey, cool dancer!
Hey, cool dancer!
Plaaaaay....some DDR with me