To the tune of "Barrett's Privateers" by Stan Rogers
Lyrics (c)2004 Emi M. Briet

Oh the year was 1978
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
A woman who lived there went insane
And the one who touched her in the brain
She damned us all!

I was told to search a well for a little girl's corpse
Unturn no stones, Stay your fears
I'm a reporter girl for Intelligenceer
And for Samara I'm in tears

Oh I found a cabin in the woods
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
A tape was sitting there on the shelf
I had to see it for myself
She damned us all!


Oh the call came to me on the phone
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
The voice it just said "seven days"
But fear had gripped me anyways
She damned us all!


I had to go and tell my ex
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
We made a copy for himself
Then he examined it as well
She damned us all!


We went out to the Morgan home
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
The man there said, "I have no kid"
We knew he lied to get us rid
She damned us all!


My son he went and watched the tape
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
New footage on the final scene
But white noise soon had filled the screen
She damned us all!


And to the cabin we returned
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
Below the floor there was a well
We freed the body as we could tell
She damned us all!


Samara, she came for my ex
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
Out of the well, out of the screen
Her eye projected something mean
She damned us all!


I copied, that's why I was safe
How I wish I'd left Moesko Isle
Had my son make a copy too
We'll show to someone really crude
She damned us all!